The CFA institute is the leading organization in providing finance education to investment professionals and develops standards in ethics, education and professional excellence in the global investment industry. As participant in the University Affiliation Program, the Leibniz University Hannover is allowed to grant some of their students a CFA Program Student Scholarship. With this scholarship, you get discounted access to one of the exams at the CFA Institute and hence can move closer to becoming a CFA Charterholder. This degree is one of the highest distinctions in the investment management profession and signals expert knowledge, as well as the skills required in the competitive investing industry.
As recipient of the CFA Student Scholarship you can waive the one-time program enrollment fee and get access to a discounted exam registration fee amounting to only 400 USD (about 365 € incl. Taxes). Hence you are able to save up to 1100 USD (about 1130€ incl. Taxes) when taking the CFA exam. In addition, you will be granted access to the curriculum and all available study tools that help you to prepare for the selected CFA exam.
Requirements for application
To apply for the scholarship, students must:
- Not be currently registered for a CFA Program exam.
- Be enrolled at an affiliated university (Fulfilled if you are student at the Leibniz University Hannover).
- Possess a bachelor’s degree or select an exam window that is 11 months or fewer before your graduation month four you bachelor’s degree.
- Satisfy the enrollment requirements detailed here:
Additional Information on the Enrollment
Application for the CFA Student Scholarship at the Leibniz University Hannover is possible twice a year. The frist deadlines ends at 31th of May and the second one ends 30th of November. In order to enroll for the Program, login and complete the Student Scholarship Application here:
When a decision on your application submission has been made, you will be notified via email. Once you are selected for award of the Student Scholarship, your award will be available for use three weeks from the date you receive your award decision email and it expires one year from the date of this email. It is your responsibility to be aware of and abide by the important exam dates offered by the CFA institute, and register yourself for the desired exam within the one-year timeframe on their website. You are not registered automatically and must enroll for on one of the exam dates on your own. Please consider carefully which exam date you select as rescheduling is accompanied by a fee amounting to 250 USD (about 258€ incl. Taxes). The exams are organized and enforced by the CFA Institute.
Note that you must wait to hear if you have received the scholarship prior to registering for the exam. If you were unsuccessful with the scholarship, you will still be offered an early exam registration fee for your next CFA exam registration that is lower than the usual registration fee.
You may register for CFA Level I exam, if you are within 2 years of graduating
For further information on the CFA Programs and the CFA Program Student Scholarship, please visit the website of the CFA Institute.
If you apply, please inform us via email at:
If you have any questions please contact Mr. Kowalke.
More Information
Contact for further information

30167 Hannover